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What is Mystery Shopping?

Mystery Shopping describes a method of testing the quality of services in which trained persons act as normal customers. These “normal customers” then evaluate the quality of the experienced service based on defined criteria. The most important aspect of Mystery Shopping is that the mystery shoppers must not be recognized as such by the staff, because this would make the test results useless.

Mystery Shopper is a person who behaves as a real customer while assessing customer service levels provided by a company or organization.

Mystery shopping can be used to monitor and measure service performance and to see if standards are met as per SOP. It helps in getting the feedback about staff performance, benchmarking competitors and identifying training needs.

Below is the link to sign up as a mystery shopper with HS Brands Global:

Sign Up Here

Click on the link and enter the required details, the form is simple and easy to fill.

No, you will not be the permanent employee of HS Brands. You will be registered with us as freelancer.

There are no fees for registering as a mystery shopper.  

Once registered, your id will be activated after 24 working hours.

Click on the below link –

Login Here

Provide your email id and password which you have entered during registration and you will enter into your account.

Once the id is activated, you can login and click on Job Board to check projects in your area.

Once you apply the audit, concerned person will check the shopper profile and if your profile is suitable for the audit, it will be assigned to you.

You will receive a confirmation mail for the audit assigned. You can also check the audit assigned to you in your shop log.

Note: Please do not do any audits unless you get a confirmation mail.

Please follow the below steps:

  • Login to your account
  • Click on Show Filters
  • Change the job status to Any
  • Click on Go
  • All the shops which you have done will be visible and the status is visible too. Status of Finalized or Emailed means that the shop has been accepted.

If audit is done properly as per the guideline, you will be paid between 45-60 days.

The amount will be credited into your bank account which has been entered by you in the portal.

If you have further queries, please write to . You can expect a reply within 24 working hours. Please note that Saturday and Sunday is off for the Shopper relations team.

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